Pay your gas fees with a credit card

Giving you the power of choice with every new feature integration.

2 min readOct 21, 2022

Here at RECUR we’re obsessed with giving you more control and true ownership of your digital collectibles.

And over the past few weeks, we’ve continued to do exactly that — tirelessly building new features to make your Web3 experience as seamless as possible.

In fact, starting today, you can now pay for gas fees with a credit card.

That’s right. You no longer have to top up your balance on RECUR to transfer your digital collectible. Simply select the credit card option, fill in your details, and that’s it. It’s as easy as that.

This feature is available to you whether you’re on,, or any of our other Powered by RECUR experiences. It’s one of many improvements we’ll be making to the withdrawal process — making it easier than ever to move your NFTs on and off platform as you choose.

It may seem like a simple change but enabling this feature gives you more choice, truer ownership, and ultimately more time saved. That means you have more time to explore new collections, take up a hobby, or finally start training for that half marathon.

With RECUR, the choice is always yours.

But wait, there’s more.

In case you missed it, we announced additional features to improve your RECUR experience and further your true ownership.

Connect Your MetaMask Wallet to RECUR

Last month, we launched the ability to connect your MetaMask wallet(s) to your RECUR account.

Now you have all the benefits of owning RECUR NFTs, regardless if they’re on RECUR or in your MetaMask wallet. Increased interoperability, ease of use, and the power of choice all in one place.

New & Improved Identity Verification

That was quickly followed by a new and improved identity verification process.

Verifying your identity in the Web3 space has long been a complicated and confusing process. You might find yourself wondering: why do you have to give so much information? Or how does it take so long to get approved?

Gone are those days.

Verifying your identity on RECUR takes seconds to minutes instead of hours to days. You control how and when you verify your identity, keeping your account safe and opening up access to more features.

We weren’t kidding. We’re constantly building new features and enabling new integrations to make your experience on RECUR, well, simple.

This is only the beginning. 🚀




We design & develop on-chain branded experiences for fans to buy, collect, and re-sell NFTs.